Stagnating Models in the Financial Services Industry Still being used for Women

Archaic investing models on a large scale are still being used to provide investment advice for women, when in fact the type of advice that women need to prepare sufficiently for retirement is vastly different.  YES, there is an inherent gender bias in the construction and delivery investment advice for women and worse of all it’s a systemic practice going back over a hundred years; not an intentional directive.  The industry hasn’t caught up with demand and the changing needs of investors………especially women!

This article does an outstanding job of explaining the evolution or rather lack thereof, of delivering investment advice to clients.  Over the last 50 years the female client has evolved and the financial services industry as a whole, has not.

Market Volatility and Women Invested

October delivered a blunt force blow of market volatility and truly emphasized the value of having a financial plan and personal investing strategies with guidelines that are specific and targeted to key objectives.  These two financial guardrails can help provide clarity and prevent the downfalls of emotional investing in times loud market noise, such as last month.

By nature, we are more emotional creatures however, when it comes to financial planning and investing women have proven to be stalwarts of discipline with less panic than our male counterparts which has translated for better returns!

This article from Kiplinger shares some great information that when women have a plan and stay invested we truly benefit:

Women Investors Get a Bad Rap

As women we are not encouraged to actively invest and the general bias that women are not “good investors” has no substantial data to prove this overarching opinion.  In fact, just the opposite is reported in an article below I came across in Forbes, and reflects measurable facts, that women often stick to an investment strategy once they have decided to actively invest and more often outperform our male counterparts when it comes to risk adjusted returns (which is better than average returns).

Retirement Income for Women… and Risk

I wanted to share a thought piece aimed at providing clarity about investing for women that are planning for retirement.  Investing is a crucial component to any retirement plan and understanding the impact that inflation can have on retirement assets should be key for every woman.   I discuss several types of risk and why they should all be viewed independent of one another and how to measure their long term affects:

The Gender Investing Gap: Planning for the Future While Managing Risk



For women, staying invested and having a pattern of systematic investing is important to achieving most financial long-term goals.  In today’s new market, using alternatives can provide passage to reduce overall market risk to a portfolio and still achieve long term gains that have an edge over inflation risk, which for women, planning for retirement is a much larger risk than short term market volatility.

The Cost of Caregiving

Do you have aging parents or in-laws that might need plans for managed care in the future?  Starting those conversations early and developing a plan as a supplement to any long-term care insurance is strongly encouraged.  Women are typically called into this duty and it has a cost of approximately $340,000 in lost wages, just to start.

Close the investment gender gap

How To Close the Investment Gender Gap

As women we are hesitant in planning our investment strategy; yet once we do, we generally outperform our male counterparts…Get invested and stay invested to help close your retirement income gap:


Online Calculators and Inflated Returns

Online Calculators And Inflated Returns

If you are a woman planning for retirement, inflated returns are the last thing you need!

Women and the Hidden Costs of Cancer

Financial Toxicity: The Hidden Cost Of Cancer For Women

Over the course of the past few months, I have shared articles bringing to light financial head winds that are specific to women, the income gap, the investment gap and now the debt gap that exposes itself with higher health care costs for women; and yes it is true, cancer for women is cumulatively more expensive resulting in added financial stress.

Women and investing in the golden years

For Women The Golden Years May Seem More Like Bronze With Regard To Retirement Income

The National Institute on Retirement Security reports that women are 80 percent more likely than men to be impoverished at age 65 and older. Find out why: